Friday, July 26, 2013

Daily Update: When You Were Young, Milo Greene and 40 Days of Dating

I promised myself that I would blog as often as possible but I have to admit I'm a pretty lazy person also trying to clean the house for four aunts visiting tonight and planning 2 years abroad to study political science and international relations. So maybe I should cut myself some slack, right? Naww, as my old ex-Israeli director gym teacher would say, "120% OF YOUR ABILITYYYYY!!!".

Currently listening to this because I've had it stuck in my head all morning:

I also happen to have a major headache but that could be from sleeping at 6 AM every day for the past week and missing breakfast for that same period of time. But I can't think about that. I must get the house cleaner than clean. IKEA-ready, if you know what I mean. And quickly too, because I have a pot-luck on the Toronto Islands today and I'm not going to pass on the opportunity for stir-fry vegetables and cakecakecake.

In recent days, here are the most notable things I've dealt with:

I found this band thanks to a show I'm currently trying to catch up on, Supernatural. Love the show but some of the fan-fic I tell nun aunt would cry herself to sleep. Also, people getting the guys' demon protection tattoo... that's a little extra for me. But the music on that show I find can be very good. Sooo, on the latest episode I was able to watch, I found Milo Greene.

They call their music "cinematic-pop" and I couldn't agree more. Other songs worth checking include 1957 and Silent Way. And in case you're interested, they even have a film that goes with the self-entitled début album called Moddison: if I'm not mistaken, their album is pretty much a story broken down into several music videos. 

Also, there's this little dating experiment that I found thanks to Jezebel. It sounds pretty intense, but kind of nice actually. 

To see Jessica and Timothy's full daily questionnaire, head to the 40 Days of Dating website.

Alright folks, it's been real, but it's time to head to the real world and get some shit done. PEACE. xxoo 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Unicorn Milkshake: Prom Edition

Hey y'all!! First edition of the Unicorn Milkshake series!! And this one is about the less fun experience of my high school career: my second date rejection, just weeks before the biggest day of my very short and uninteresting 18 years of living in this dump we are apparently lucky to call Earth. So yeah, it stings to be rejected by a guy you genuinely want to drag around in a sparkling disco ball of a room and feed posh purée and filet mignon. That is if your school budget can accommodate such fine dining. In any case, I wanted my own piece of meat to pretend-dance with, and pretend-laugh with. Is that so wrong, may I ask? I just went with my friend D in the end, which was actually kind of fun because she was the prettiest of them all at that ball, lace and open-back and everything. But I still wrote an angry letter to this guy who said no. And even though he did really end up in the hospital when he came back form university because his jaw was fucked and he couldn't eat or talk for a while and it was the sensible thing to say no to not let me hang at the last minute, can a girl go on a crazy anger rant once in a while. So here goes.

Hi. Me again. You never answered so i guess this would be a follow-up email. So sorry for boring you or/and putting you on the spot. First off, Happy Birthday! (the first time I said it, it was in parenthesis so maybe you didn't realize it was genuine-maybe it defeats the purpose that this too is in parenthesis?!?). 
Now the elephant in the room apparently: prom. Yes I realize that the message had a nonchalant tone and shitty grammar. Sorry. What possessed me to ask you such a thing, you ask? Well, for starters, I quite like you. As a person. It seemed like the most important requirement. That's kind of it. (please don't read more into this that must be read. This isn't a marriage proposal, it's a prom. calm the fuck down.) It's a yes or no question. Both answers are valid. Any answer at this point would be welcomed. You are not being coerced into anything, for crying out loud you're several inches taller than me! You're also several miles away, with an ocean separating us...and I can't swim. So by all means, I can't force you to do shit. I would however appreciate the decency of an answer or some kind of acknowledgement. Even if it is a no. So I can plan accordingly-please read: so I can find someone else. So yeah, the ball is in your court buddy. (So have some balls).
Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns you may have.
No I don't harass everyone, just the ones who deserve it.

Unicorn Milkshake 

Unicorn Milkshake: Introduction

Unicorn Milkshake is one of my many alter egos. This one ego is particularly handy when wanting to send a message to someone but I know I would never have the balls. And since life is ridiculous, I found this alter ego needed a similarly ridiculous. Here's to a life of avoiding all confrontation.

(If you're wondering, yes sadly, someone has already used this hilarious name as a tumblr.)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

You Are...

You are my comfort food
My midnight snack
During re-runs of reality TV

You are the morning after a hang-over
The puke on the back seat
After a supposed "sleep-over"

You are the sun on my skin
The air in my lungs when I
Run in the forest to forget

You are a bad wifi connection
A blocked artery that will eventually
Led to my (death)heart attack

You are the pages of my diary
The stories I plan to write
But that I see under my eyelids every night

You are the careless fireman
Who let the wild flames
Lick my being to ashes

You are the pouring rain
The booming thunder
The monster under my bed

You are the softness of my covers
The daily familiar commotion
The smell of smoke and coffee on my hands

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I remember when I was young, and we still lived in Mississauga, I would watch the moon from my window.
I tried to wish upon a star once. In all honesty, I don't remember what I wished for or if I ever got it.
I also have this half dug up memory of climbing out of my window and sitting on the roof as the sun rose to chase the moon.
Those are but little snippets of what comes up when I rummage around in my head.


Mixed alcohol, mixed emotions
Hidden behind nightmarish masks
Masquerading through the narrow streets
Of my mind.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Histoire de Vie: Rencontres sur Criagslist

Je ne sais pas pourquoi j'ai commencé...un soir, au lieu de faire mes devoirs, j'étais sur Internet, en train de chercher un moyen de me divertir, de me faire oublier...le but semble souvent d'oublier la vie, d'oublier les problèmes qui remplissent mes poumons d'un air lourd de remords, qui donnent un goût âcre aux couleurs...

Ce soir là, j'étais sur Craigslist, dans la partie des sections amoureuses. C'était hilarant, de lire les notices de gens désespérés, de gens perdus, de gens comme moi. J'ai écrit ma propre annonce de recherche d'un chum ou juste d'un trop syrupeux, ni trop bref, mais  surtout très honnête. Je crois que c'est ça qui a attiré toutes ces réponses, c'était le ton honnête de mon annonce. Ils reconnaissaient que j'avais un côté drôle, mais aussi un côté perdu, une partie de moi qui ne sait plus quoi faire avec mes pensées noires et folles...

En 4 heures j'ai reçue plus de 70 messages, et en une semaine, plus de 400. Ça m'a fait tout bizarre, de savoir que je n'avais de valeur que si je ne montrais pas mon visage. Je m'étais décrite exactement en personnalité, je n'avais rien changé, et je ne sais pourquoi mais des gens, des hommes bon sang, ont su voir quelque chose en moi. Mais avec mon visage de tous les jours, j'arrive à peine à allumer une alumette, aller voir un garçon, et encore moins ceux qui m'intéressent.

Les réponses que j'ai reçue variaient: ça allait de l'ennuyeux au commun, du fou furieux à l'obscène. Un véritable arc-en-ciel de messages, de poèmes, de demandes de rencontre dans un Starbucks... Je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher de ressentir une sorte de pouvoir contre ces pauvres malheureux qui tentaient tant bien que mal d'obtenir une réponse, des mots doux, une consolation du fait que d'avoir répondu à mon message n'était pas complètement fou. Moi, je tirais satisfaction de me savoir pas nécessairement laide, mais pas particulièrement belle...mais au moins pour quelques instants, je me sentais avec le volant dans les mains, je pouvais continuer ou tuer une relation comme bon me semblait, de manière cruelle et arbitraire.

Au fur et à mesure, j'arrêtais de répondre à toutes les réponses; je faisais du triage. Puis, je ne répondais qu'à mes préférés, ceux qui semblaient relativement stables quoi. Et puis, finalement je n'ai gardé contact qu'avec un seul, un dénommé Daniel. 22 ans. Intéressant. Aime la literature et le cinéma. Il me demanda si on pouvais se rencontrer.

Je n'ai pas dit oui. Je n'ai pas dit non, non plus. J'ai tout simplement...éliminer la fausse adresse email que j'avais créé pour l'occasion. La blague avait duré trop longtemps et plus personne ne riait. Je ne riais plus. Je ne voulais plus être l'objet du fantasme éphémère de quelques hommes répandus dans ma ville. Ma vie n'est pas un film, et je n'allais ni épouser ce Daniel, encore moins le rencontrer. Peut-être que j'avais peur de la possibilité que quelque chose de vrai pouvais exister entre 2 écrans d'ordinateurs et quelques messages qui avaient plus l'allure de lettres. Mais pourquoi prendre de chances? Pourquoi attendre que ce pauvre Daniel me rencontre en face et voit mon véritable visage? 

Ce soir, j'ai déconnecté ce compte email, et je ne pourrais plus revivre ces supposés "conquêtes".

Je ne sais pas encore si je vais le regretter chèrement.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Unapologetic Hippie

Unapologetic Hippie

Edc by esprit

Tribal print shirt
$15 -

Sodamix long skirt
$30 -

Dolce Vita wedge sandals

H m
$22 -

Lucky brand jewelry

Star necklace

Pink ring

Wine jewelry

Poppy jewelry
$15 -


Life: News From My Bed

Life is a whole different world from my bed. I am a queen here. It doesn't matter that my kingdom looks like Afghanistan on a bad day, that I deserve a nice shower or that I've only been able to drag my ass out of bed for one meal out of three today. Life on this beautiful mattress is the dream. How so?
For starters I get to watch as many Supernatural episodes as I wish. Currently trying to buckle up and finish Season 3. I still have Arrested Development, Luther, The Wire, Misfits, Skins (UK version, duh)... and Suits is starting soon. I'm running a tight ship on an even tighter schedule here people! So much TV (and movies, which I won't even start on yet, so little time...)
I was also been able to talk to my Venezuelan cousins, which is always a good opportunity to practice Spanish. Speaking of which, I have music for you!! (All Aventura music of course!)

Explicame por que razon no me miras la cara...
I wish some hot Spanish dude would serenade me like that lol.

I think that's all I did for today. But at least I'm being positive about it and not calling myself a sloth or loser.

Also, a few words of advice: don't go see The Bling Ring...The trailer should have been warning enough but I went to see it like 2 days ago and No. NOOOO. I may have lost a few IQ points just watching it, the movie was just oozing with ridiculous, idiotic behaviour. And it's really too bad, because I loved the soundtrack. Ohhh well. Best songs you ask?

Get past the bad words. That beat is pure genius.

Come on, this is kind of cute right? The next one also has M.I.A. because she's just that cool. Anyone else remember Paper Planes?

Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well...
Those words alone describe the very essence of the movie.

And this song by Sleigh Bells describes the veneer of teenage invincibility banging heads in unison on a hot summer day in a convertible. Which is super catchy. And almost makes me want to move to California.

Dear Diary: They We're Right

Dear Diary,

They we're right. No, not the people putting me down, telling me my hair looks like a hot mess or that I need to lose a few pounds. Not the idiots who thought I was a good time until I refused to give in and give head. And not my parents, who wanted me to be a dentist or doctor. There's nothing wrong with them wanting me to be financially secure. It just so happens I want my life to take another direction all together. As long as that future doesn't involve guns, fraud , jail time or/and prostitution, I think they'll be fine.

I won't even go as far as saying that the people reminding me every day I'm not the piece of shit I see every morning we're right and I am beautiful and talented and blablabla. I'm not there yet. I'm not in a place in my life where I can look myself in the mirror and say "You look awesome!" without mocking myself or denying that very thought 2 seconds later.

No, the people who said I had to maybe cheer up, may have possibly touched in something important.

As it turns out, I've been procrastinating a lot. All that extra time on my hands is perfect for self-criticising, self-loathing, self-destructiveness...It's funny, for someone who hates herself so much, it turns out all those "self-somethings" are just the reflection of my over inflated ego. Anyways, because of all this negative energy, all I can think about is putting myself out of my own misery -- not necessarily death but like, social suicide or something. Sooo, since none of those are very good options, the next best thing is to drown myself with TV series and lots of ice cream (the weather demands it!). However, my morning swim in this pool of dark thoughts and sweat was interrupted today by my lunch date with M. 

M is a great guy. He knows how to cheer me up. We're so similar and we've been around each other so much we can just guess each others moods -- though the fact we're terrible at hiding what a terrible day we're having is one of the things that makes us so similar. In good old M fashion, he told me to pretty much get my shit together. Which is a very good idea. Or maybe not even plaster a fake smile on my face for the rest of my life and become the President of Swaziland, but at least be a little less pessimistic. Let a little sunshine through my window or something. So here's me being positive.

1. I had a free lunch today. M. paid for it so I got to indulge in the awesomeness of Indian food with none of the financial pain.

2. M. gave me a laptop today. You know, this beautiful piece of machinery would be perfect if only anything "Microsoft" related refuses to work though I HAVE the stupid product key.

3. (In none M. related news...) I for my first scholarship!! (see I'm being positive! Switched that "only" to a "first"! Maybe this is working?!?) And not a tiny one too, a nice fat 5 000 euros worth.

So there, Dear Diary, this is the story of me being positive. As a sign of good faith, I will write more often about good things in my life. 


Confiance en soi

J'ai été élevée sage, forte, confiante. Je me suis réveillée, au crépuscule de mes dix-sept ans; conne, complexée et faible. Tellement conne que je n'arrive pas à voir ce qui me regarde en pleine face, à discerner les gens bons pour moi, de ceux qui ne valent pas la connaîssance. Les personnes confiantes ne s'accrochent pas à chaque merde qui passe, parce qu'elles ont la confiance en elles pour savoir que le prochain n'en sera pas une, alors que nous, les complexées, on n'est pas sûres même d'en avoir un prochain. On se réconforte des merdes qu'on trouve, pour ne pas tomber dans la solitude. Ayez de la confiance, ne soyez pas tous cons. Qu'elle soit méritée ou non, elle améliore la qualité de vie, vous respirez plus librement, tranquilement...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Chan Chan

Chan Chan playing loudly
He held me --softly
A hint of rage as well
I could not be all he hoped

He was my Spanish sun
He had thought me beauty in silence
I ran to him a fatherless child
He stripped--my religiosity 

I wanted to connect the dots --
the ones on his body-- to see the
Before and after link
Lost snapshots in an ocean of un-wept tears

Curve of his lighted Camel
Tense elevator silence 
Unnecessary cordial conversation
Mounting climax to -- Nothing

The Aftermath confused me still
His tanned skin cut by the white starched sheets
Sounds of late night brawls, midnight kisses
Coming from out there

Sleep would not make me drop 
Into submission, street-lights and
His breathing were companions 
But sleep I could not

He left two days next
Summer had been planned
In the fall he would be arrogant still
A touch of whimsical-mysterious in his hair

I tried to hide it, as long as I could
It came out all colors -- orange, green, yellow
Things unsaid, left unexplored
Though it's a shame I could  not die and let go.

Dear Diary: Shitty Moment

Dear Diary,
I have no clue what the fuck I'm doing. The heat is unbearable. I don't know if I'm leaving or staying next year because I'm too lazy to get my shit together. I think I might have lost a friend. I think I might be making a new one. I'm exhausted. I just want to fast-forward, see ahead because this "in limbo" situation isn't doing it for me. I feel fat, lazy and useless all in one. This has not been a good day, or month, or year. And I should give myself a break because -HOURRAY!!- I've made it out in one piece. But holy fuck I feel shitty right now. I think I need a hug, and I don't even know where to get it from. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dear Diary: Grad Is Near, So Are The Tears

Dear Diary,

Graduation is this Friday. By the end of this week, the whole Grad-Preprom-Prom-Afterprom train will have gone by and I will be left free-relatively. I mean, most of these people I will most likely only see further in my life as acquaintances, silhouettes from a distant past. Most of these people will probably exist only for an instant in my consciousness until some climax in their lives (wedding, funeral, lottery win, unexpected pregnancy, ect) makes them subjects of interest again. It's not cruel, the same goes for me too. When the champagne stops flowing and the glitter stops falling and the tears have dried and the enthusiasm has settled, life will just keep on going with its comedies and tragedies and whatever it is that fills the gaps between both. So might just as well make the best of this I guess. In pure moronic adolescent fashion, I guess the correct term to define the sentiment of coming-of-age nonsense I'm constantly being fed by Hollywood, the correct term would be : YOLO.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Alcool et amour

Un aimant devant moi, mais qu'un objet pour toi
Une autre bouteille parmis les autres, aucun appat.

Une seule gorgée apporte pourtant l'oubli et le bonheur
Des fausses promesses, cependant, irresistible leurre.

Mon cerveau soudainement brumeux
Des étoiles brillant dans mes yeux
Je veux danser, bouger, chanter,
Je veux oser, braver, aimer.

Serre moi dans tes bras trépides,
Remplace ma liberté liquide.
Et si tu pars, je reviendrai
A aimer cet objet abstrait.


Cendre noire sur neige blanche :
On crache sur ce qui est beau.
J'essuie le mirroir avec ma manche :
De la saleté, il y en a trop.
Je frotte, jusqu'à en avoir mal -
Même mon visage devient saleté.
Je crache dessus pour l'effacer,
Et le miroir redevient sale.
C'est un grand tourbillon vicieux,
Ne plaît jamais aux yeux.
Comme quoi, l'obscurité - c'est mieux.


Perdue, apauvrie, amaigrie,
Elle marche seule sur le sentier.
Par ses malheurs poursuivie,
Elle continue sa randonnée.
Paranoiaque, elle se retourne :
Gauche, droite, avant, arrière, encore...
Sur elle-même elle tourne et tourne :
C'est la folie qui la dévore.
Sa seule amie, son compagnon,
Qui lui chuchote dans son sommeil,
Qui soutient la conversation -
Venin versé dans son oreille.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I've decided, in my infinite greatness to make a list of guys that make me want to buy a vibrator behind my poor mother's back. That is a joke. I would never do that (or would I?). This list will be reserved to my first type of guy: the nerdy, the eccentric, the artsy... I don't really know how to describe it...think Jack Sparrow meets hippie Albert Einstein or something lol.

1. Ezra Miller. Oh sweet mother... Yeah I just started dabbling into his weird awesomeness and it's quite close to my ideal. Yeah. He's also super comfortable with his sexuality and has this kind of raspy voice which I totally love. We Need To Talk About Kevin and The Perks Of Being A Wallflower totally did it for me too. So yeah, bit fan right here :)

2. Dr Reid (Mathhew Gray Gubler). Criminal Minds just does it for me, it really does and though I have my favs (Garcia and Morgan), Spencer Reid would be the one I would pick as a boyfriend. He's just sooo cute and wow I feel like a prepubescent girl gushing over Justin Bieber but yeah. Go Geeky!!

3. Seth Cohen (Adam Brody). Jesus, The OC seems so far away yet the Planet Phantom theme song is still stuck in my head (Californiaaaa, Californiaaa, here we co-o-ommee). Plus, Seth/Adam was also on Gilmore Girls (playing Dave Rygalski)for a while, which was just another opportunity for me to feel sorry for myself for not finding someone like that who would want to be my friend. What can I say, I have a lot of time on my hands...

I've probably missed quite a few guys who kinda fit into this "type". Any ideas people??