Thursday, July 18, 2013

You Are...

You are my comfort food
My midnight snack
During re-runs of reality TV

You are the morning after a hang-over
The puke on the back seat
After a supposed "sleep-over"

You are the sun on my skin
The air in my lungs when I
Run in the forest to forget

You are a bad wifi connection
A blocked artery that will eventually
Led to my (death)heart attack

You are the pages of my diary
The stories I plan to write
But that I see under my eyelids every night

You are the careless fireman
Who let the wild flames
Lick my being to ashes

You are the pouring rain
The booming thunder
The monster under my bed

You are the softness of my covers
The daily familiar commotion
The smell of smoke and coffee on my hands

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