Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Alcool et amour

Un aimant devant moi, mais qu'un objet pour toi
Une autre bouteille parmis les autres, aucun appat.

Une seule gorgée apporte pourtant l'oubli et le bonheur
Des fausses promesses, cependant, irresistible leurre.

Mon cerveau soudainement brumeux
Des étoiles brillant dans mes yeux
Je veux danser, bouger, chanter,
Je veux oser, braver, aimer.

Serre moi dans tes bras trépides,
Remplace ma liberté liquide.
Et si tu pars, je reviendrai
A aimer cet objet abstrait.


Cendre noire sur neige blanche :
On crache sur ce qui est beau.
J'essuie le mirroir avec ma manche :
De la saleté, il y en a trop.
Je frotte, jusqu'à en avoir mal -
Même mon visage devient saleté.
Je crache dessus pour l'effacer,
Et le miroir redevient sale.
C'est un grand tourbillon vicieux,
Ne plaît jamais aux yeux.
Comme quoi, l'obscurité - c'est mieux.


Perdue, apauvrie, amaigrie,
Elle marche seule sur le sentier.
Par ses malheurs poursuivie,
Elle continue sa randonnée.
Paranoiaque, elle se retourne :
Gauche, droite, avant, arrière, encore...
Sur elle-même elle tourne et tourne :
C'est la folie qui la dévore.
Sa seule amie, son compagnon,
Qui lui chuchote dans son sommeil,
Qui soutient la conversation -
Venin versé dans son oreille.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I've decided, in my infinite greatness to make a list of guys that make me want to buy a vibrator behind my poor mother's back. That is a joke. I would never do that (or would I?). This list will be reserved to my first type of guy: the nerdy, the eccentric, the artsy... I don't really know how to describe it...think Jack Sparrow meets hippie Albert Einstein or something lol.

1. Ezra Miller. Oh sweet mother... Yeah I just started dabbling into his weird awesomeness and it's quite close to my ideal. Yeah. He's also super comfortable with his sexuality and has this kind of raspy voice which I totally love. We Need To Talk About Kevin and The Perks Of Being A Wallflower totally did it for me too. So yeah, bit fan right here :)

2. Dr Reid (Mathhew Gray Gubler). Criminal Minds just does it for me, it really does and though I have my favs (Garcia and Morgan), Spencer Reid would be the one I would pick as a boyfriend. He's just sooo cute and wow I feel like a prepubescent girl gushing over Justin Bieber but yeah. Go Geeky!!

3. Seth Cohen (Adam Brody). Jesus, The OC seems so far away yet the Planet Phantom theme song is still stuck in my head (Californiaaaa, Californiaaa, here we co-o-ommee). Plus, Seth/Adam was also on Gilmore Girls (playing Dave Rygalski)for a while, which was just another opportunity for me to feel sorry for myself for not finding someone like that who would want to be my friend. What can I say, I have a lot of time on my hands...

I've probably missed quite a few guys who kinda fit into this "type". Any ideas people??

Life: The Neverending Blues

Hello people of the world, I AM A CONSISTENT LOAFER AND I'M PROUD TO BE THIS WAY!!!-not really. But it's hard to gather your thoughts, make a plan, follow through and ultimately prove to yourself that you're not a train wreck headed for the wall. I want to be good. I do. I want to wake up and feel excited about living and going to school and oh! wouldn't you look at that there's no more soap and your neighbourhood McDonald's is out of McFlurry. First of all, I'd like to say that it has nothing to do with me being a Millennial and all. I'm just tired all the time, even after a full half day of sleeping. I know I'm being a lazy fuckface. I blame this on hormones. And my pillow being so welcoming. And the hypnotic effect of television and computers. I don't feel self-intitled or anything like that. I just have a case of the never ending blues... What to do in such cases??

1. Don't beat yourself up. We can't all be superheroes. We can't all hold all the promises we make to ourselves. Just don't use this as an excuse to not do shit anymore. Wake the fuck up.

2. Be focused. Nothing says focused like eyeing some hot people. FACEBOOK STALKING TIME!!!

3. Music anyone? I'm still convinced music will eventually save the world from its shitty state.

Awkwafina isn't a female Asian rapper. She's a rapper, period. You are then entitled to your opinion on whether or not you like it.

Cool right? Yeah, thought so tooooo

Crazy right? Selah Sue is my latest obsession....