Thursday, March 14, 2013

Story: The Old Woman's Fire

Cloudy skies make for blurry windows
and opportunity for nostalgic music
accompanied by warm cacao.
While the drops pound on the glass
I raise my mug filled with the heart-warming
elixir and bring it to my parched lips.
I am now too old, my bones too frail
to run in the fields near the lake
as my clothes, permeated with the heavenly rain
slow down my progress. The cabin would
be waiting, rustic and proud, near the lake,
where I learned to swim during the hunting 
season. The chimney would see a fire flare up
and quickly smoke deer meat or a fishy catch.
As I watched the chocolate drain from the mug,
I remembered the stories, the legends of wicked
evil doers, satanists who only deserved the
greedy flames of a witch hunt fire. How funny,
I thought, that such fires were destined 
to be feed with people like me.

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