Friday, March 15, 2013

Life: Gilmore Girls Metaphor

         I am currently watching the 15th episode of the last season of Gilmore Girls. This show has been my best girlfriend in my recent fall in the pit hole of lazy loafing and procrastination to avoid responsibility and the mountain of emotional distress and homework I have to face. It is with great regret that I will attempt to finish the entire show before the end of March Break, simultaneously doing my homework and extra work. It will be like the end of a life chapter, the lost of a friend, the end of an era of "Ha! I know what she's talking about !" and "OMG, what is she thinking doing that!". The show may be boring and slow and uneventful and without interest for others, but to me the jokes and metaphors are like a breath of fresh air in my daily routine of coffee and cigarettes. One of the metaphors comes from Luke's sister Liz : "They're meant for each other, but it's like they're in different time continuums. All they have to do is find the right wormhole."
        That's how I feel about my current relationship. I know that I feel powerful things for him and when we make eye contact and he smiles and I smile (yes normally a human reaction in the face of familiarity and whatnot, but please don't belittle my teenage love feelings) and I feel warm in the inside, I truly believe he feels it too. Yes it may be wishful thinking but for the sake of this story keep the doubts to yourself, will you? My point is, I've known him (of his existence anyhow) for 6 years, and I know he's liked me before (got me a red rose for Valentine's once) and we've been on-and-off friends and I refuse to believe there isn't something there. It just feels right. And added bonus, our kids would have the best afro ever. But seriously, I really want it to work out and I really hope that we end up finding a wormhole because this being in two different time continuums is really fucking up my sleep patterns. Better this metaphor than the over-used "star crossed lovers" shit.

And may I add that if anything is to be said about Romeo and Juliet's trials and tribulations, it's that they handle the situation pretty badly.

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