Thursday, March 14, 2013

Life: Babysitting And Such...

By the time you've read the title, you are quite aware of what job position I've held for the past 4 days: that's right, I was a lovely, determined and caring member of the Babysitting Society. I had to wake up at 8:00AM every morning (7:45, if I wanted a little 15 minute personal yoga session with my Ipod), try not to miss the 9:00AM bus Est, and arrive at 10:00AM sharp, even after a quick Tim Hortons coffee and chocolate chip muffin. What did I do most of the time, you ask? What did I actually do these past 4 days, for a total of 24 hours (yes, a day!) of my life? Well, I played played hide and seek and manhunt, made (bland) ravioli, watched every imaginable Harry Potter movie (except the first because just no, and the seventh part 2 becasue they didn't have it -- terrible mistake: they weren't aware Harry Potter won at the end, surrounded by his friends (the ones that survive --DOBBBYYY :'( )  in a crumbling Hogwarts) went to Subway, played piano and played this game:

Which I lost. EVERY. TIME.

But the time was also educational. I exposed the young 8 and 11-year-olds too Macklemore...

"I touched the net. MAMMA I TOUCHED THE NET!!" is now a secret code too us, which I cannot share with you all for obvious reasons.

and One Direction.

This song has been playing non stop in my head for about 28 hours now. MAKE IT STOP!!!

Needless to say, I had so much fun the 288$ I made in the process were just an added bonus.

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