Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Life & Stuff: I Hurt

Here's the thing: I've been able to accept the fact that my crazy moods swings are kind of part of my personality. Like, if you took all those intense feelings that explode inside of my chest every two seconds, I would lose a piece of who I am. I would have no inspiration for poetry or composing music or compulsive researching on unimportant subjects. I wouldn't be "me" anymore. 
Now, I know these "intense feelings" (especially with the majority of them being negative, soul-eating and depression inducing) shouldn't affect my relationship with others. But they do. I know that logically I shouldn't misdirect the anger, the bitterness, the fear, the pain, all of it, but I do, and I know it's wrong. So I've been making efforts and most of the time, when I'm having a "grey cloud" moment, I isolate myself or have FUCK OFF tattooed on my face. I just thought that after knowing me for so long, people had just come to the realization that it was a part of me too. 
So it hurts that one of my friends, N., has somewhat distanced himself from me. I mean, it was bound to happen, with are very different styles in managing emotion: I feel too much whereas he seems to disregard feelings altogether. I guess that what I'm trying to say is that I miss our friendship.

And I'm not trying to put up a pity party for myself (Ok, maybe just a little :P). I do hurt. Today alone, my back hurt, my vagina hurt (well what, yes I had my period, jeez), my head hurt (my under-sleeping habits are just bad -- I'm sure we can all agree 3 hours a night isn't enough for anyone) and my heart was empty, but that's besides the point. I hurt, just like every other human being most certainly does, and I want to get better. I don't want to be "normal", I want to be "happy" and "at peace with myself". "Normal" would imply that my non-existing eating habits are acceptable, that my "issues" with my non conforming, non European grade of hair are acceptable, that my very deeply felt self-loathing is acceptable. Which is not the case. So I want to be able to wake up in the morning and not feel like sticking knives in my stomach or wish to get hit by a bus. I don't want to do this :

I want to live and feel alive. I want this:

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